
作为托运人,您可能在某个时候问过“什么是运费等级”?” You’ve probably even wondered “how to calculate freight class.” With everything that a shipper needs to know, it can get confusing. 在我们下面的指南中,我们涵盖了你需要知道的关于货运等级的一切. 我们甚至提供了一个可下载的提示表,你可以打印出来并随身携带!


运费等级旨在帮助您在与不同的承运人合作时为您的货物获得通用的标准化运费定价, 仓库, 经纪人和 third-party logistics (3PL) providers. 货物等级由国家汽车货物运输协会(NMFTA)定义,并通过国家汽车货物分类(NMFC)提供。.

Role of freight classification in LTL shipping

确定货物的运费等级是有效管理的重要一步 需要运费. It's a big factor in determining your freight hard costs, 但这也是一个非常重要的因素,当涉及到处理任何可能的运费索赔.

另外, 一些最常见的运输问题往往与不了解LTL货运等级选择和放在你的 波尔. 一些托运人可能会发现随机选择一个类别或坚持使用他们一直使用的类别很容易. However, this will hurt you in the long run. 托运人可以通过选择较低等级的货物来节省运费, 但是,当承运人重新分类货物,而发票与预期成本不符时,时间就被浪费了.

接受一点教育,尤其是在货运方面,真的可以帮助你节省开支 LTL利率, time, 资源和, 最重要的是, avoid delays in getting freight inbound or outbound to your customer.


在美国, 每一种商品或产品都被赋予一个国家汽车货运分类(NMFC)代码和相应的类别 less than truckload (LTL) freight shipments. NMFC系统是一种标准化的方法,旨在为消费者在运输货物时提供统一的定价结构. 一个装运的包裹可以分为18类,其中50类是最便宜的, to class 500 as the most expensive. 分配给物品的编号对于LTL运营商在确定关税时非常重要, which in turn determine the price charged to the customer.

How to calculate freight class

Before you determine your freight class for your shipment, you must identify certain factors about your specific freight. 需要运费 class is based on weight, 长度和高度, 密度, 易于操作, value and liability from things like theft, 损害, 易碎性和变质性. The definitions for each are as follows:

(Weight, Length, Height) Freight Density and Value

Freight 密度 is the space the item occupies in relation to its weight. 密度指南将每立方英尺重50磅的货物分类为50. 商品分类标准委员会(CCSB)分配70、92个分类.5, 175 and 400 to freight with densities of 15, 10.5, 5 and 1 pound per cubic foot, respectively.

密度低于每立方英尺一磅的货物被归类为500. 密度的计算方法是用物品的重量(磅)除以体积(立方英尺). Your item’s volume in cubic feet is Length x Width x Height/1,728, where all dimensions are measured in inches. The 密度 of your item = Weight/Volume, where Weight is measured in pounds and Volume is measured in cubic feet.


Most freight stows well in trucks, 火车和船, but some articles are regulated by the government or carrier policies. Some items cannot be loaded together. Hazardous materials are transported in specific manners. 过重、过长或突出会使货物无法与其他货物装载. The absence of load-bearing surfaces makes freight impossible to stack. 可量化的可积性分类表示装载和携带这些物品的难度.


大多数货物装载的是机械设备,没有搬运困难, 但是一些运费, 由于重量, 形状, fragility or hazardous properties, requires special attention. 按照货物装载和运输的难易程度对货物进行分类.


责任是货物被盗或损坏的可能性,或相邻货物的损坏. 易腐货物或容易自燃或爆炸的货物按责任分类,并按每磅计算价值, which is a fraction of the carrier’s liability. 当货运分类是基于责任,密度也必须考虑.

What are the 18 different types of freight class?

View our 需要运费 class chart below to help identify freight class.

类名 成本 指出,例子 Weight Range Per Cubic Foot
类别50 -清洁运费 最低的成本 Fits on standard shrink-wrapped 4X4 pallet, very durable 超过50磅.
类55 Bricks, cement, mortar, hardwood flooring 35 -磅.
类60 汽车配件 & 汽车零部件 30至35磅.
类65 汽车配件 & 汽车零部件, bottled beverages, books in boxes 22.5 - 30磅.
类70 汽车配件 & 汽车零部件, food items, automobile engines 15 to 22.5磅.
类77.5 轮胎、浴室装置 13.5至15磅.
类85 Crated machinery, cast iron stoves 12-13.5磅.
类92.5 Computers, monitors, refrigerators 10.5 - 12磅.
类100 boat covers, car covers, canvas, wine cases, caskets 9-10.5磅.
类110 cabinets, framed artwork, table saw 8 - 9磅.
类125 Small Household appliances 7 - 8磅.
类150 Auto sheet metal parts, bookcases, 6 - 7磅.
类175 Clothing, couches stuffed furniture 5 - 6磅.
类200 汽车钣金件、飞机零部件、铝桌、包装床垫、 4 - 5磅.
类250 Bamboo furniture, mattress and box spring, plasma TV 3 - 4磅.
类300 wood cabinets, tables, chairs setup, model boats 2 - 3磅.
类400 鹿的鹿角 1 - 2磅.
Class 500 – Low Density or High Value 最高的费用 Bags of gold dust, ping pong balls 1磅以下.

How about true 密度-based freight class?

Absent of any unusual or significant handling, stowability or liability characteristics, 密度 is of prime importance in the assignment of classes. CCSB根据相关行政和分类决定的先例制定了密度指南. The present guidelines are below.

当一种特定商品或一组商品的平均密度代表或反映了该商品或商品组所表现出的密度范围时,密度准则用于分配运费等级. 此外, 指南中提出的密度/类关系假定没有异常或重要的处理, stowability or liability characteristics, 在确定适当的类别时,哪一种情况需要给予这些特征额外或不同的“权重”.

Commodities or commodity groups exhibiting a wide 密度 range not accurately reflected by a single overall average 密度 may be assigned 密度-based classes; especially where there are no unusual or significant handling, 可载性或责任特征,以及没有其他可行方法有效缩小范围的. And where densities are distributed throughout the range, 商品或商品组可以在全密度尺度上被分配类别. 在这方面, 全尺寸密度分类通常应提供以下标准级数:

Class 例子 每立方英尺重量
类60 Fits on standard shrink-wrapped 4X4 pallet, very durable 超过30磅.
类65 汽车配件 & 汽车零部件, bottled beverages, books in boxes 22.5 - 30磅.
类70 汽车配件 & 汽车零部件, food items, automobile engines 15 - 22.5磅.
类85 Crated machinery, cast iron stoves 12 - 15磅.
类92.5 Computers, monitors, refrigerators 10 - 12磅.
类100 Boat covers, car covers, canvas, wine cases, caskets 8 - 10磅.
类125 Small Household appliances 6 - 7磅.
类175 Clothing, couches stuffed furniture 4 - 6磅.
类250 Auto sheet metal parts, aircraft parts, aluminum table, packaged
mattresses, bamboo furniture, mattress and box spring, plasma tv
2 - 4磅.
类300 鹿的鹿角, Cans of food, Cutlery 1 - 2 LBS.
类400 Bags of gold dust, ping pong balls < 1 lbs.


Find the NMFC number based on the description in the NMFC书 or by using a software program such as ClassIT or FastClass.

  • The NMFC for mats or matting (floor) in packages is 70970. 为了正确装运一托盘的垫子或席子(地板),我们需要知道托盘的尺寸和重量.
  • This product ships on a standard pallet. The dimensions are 48” x 40” x 45.5”, and the weight including pallet is 275 pounds.
  • Calculate volume (length x width x height): 48” x 40” x 45.5英寸= 87,360立方英尺.
  • Convert to cubic feet: 87,360” / 1,728 = 50.6立方英尺
  • Calculate 密度 (weight/volume): 275 pound/50.6立方英尺= 5.每立方英尺4磅)


As an industry-leading 3PL, 十大菠菜台子 can help you 管理运费; 设置流程并赋予您技术,使货运分类更容易和自动化. As a shipper, that’s important. Getting freight class wrong will cost you. If you incorrectly classify your item to be shipped it can be reclassified by the freight carrier. Disputing this is difficult, 很耗时,而且你会被收取差额(通常没有折扣)。.

Need help classifying your LTL Freight Shipping?

十大菠菜台子合作,获得一流的LTL运输解决方案, 包括服务, tools and technology that help you manage freight classification. To learn more about how we can help you, reach out to one of our shipping experts today!